Home / The Goldman Sachs Group, Financials / The Goldman Sachs Group, Free Cash Flow History

The Goldman Sachs Group, (GS) Free Cash Flow History

Quarter End Free Cash Flow
$ 000,000's
2023-Dec-31 234
2023-Sep-30 -26,041
2023-Jun-30 31,235
2023-Mar-31 8,807
2022-Dec-31 -15,751
2022-Sep-30 7,193
2022-Jun-30 37,423
2022-Mar-31 -23,905
2021-Dec-31 23,778
2021-Sep-30 -40,143
2021-Jun-30 19,114
2021-Mar-31 -6,495
2020-Dec-31 14,611
2020-Sep-30 33,938
2020-Jun-30 -12,712
Full historical financial data for The Goldman Sachs Group, for 1999 - 2023 is included in the US Historical Financials dataset.