NVIDIA (NVDA) Price to Sales Ratio History
Quarter End | Price to Sales Ratio |
2024-Jul-28 | 91 |
2024-Apr-28 | 83 |
2024-Jan-28 | 70 |
2023-Oct-29 | 56 |
2023-Jul-30 | 86 |
2023-Apr-30 | 99 |
2023-Jan-29 | 78 |
2022-Oct-30 | 57 |
2022-Jul-31 | 69 |
2022-May-01 | 59 |
2022-Jan-30 | 80 |
2021-Oct-31 | 91 |
2021-Aug-01 | 76 |
2021-May-02 | 65 |
2021-Jan-31 | 66 |
Full historical financial data for NVIDIA for 1999 - 2024 is included in the
US Historical Financials dataset.