Home / The Kraft Heinz Company Financials / The Kraft Heinz Company Cash Flow from Financing History

The Kraft Heinz Company (KHC) Cash Flow from Financing History

Quarter End Cash Flow from Financing
$ 000,000's
2031-Dec-09 0
2023-Dec-30 -862
2023-Sep-30 -629
2023-Jul-01 -748
2023-Apr-01 -439
2022-Dec-31 -903
2022-Sep-24 -1,089
2022-Jun-25 -1,237
2022-Mar-26 -485
2021-Dec-25 -3,011
2021-Sep-25 -1,778
2021-Jun-26 -2,912
2021-Mar-27 -1,643
2020-Dec-26 -822
2020-Sep-26 -1,072
Full historical financial data for The Kraft Heinz Company for 2011 - 2031 is included in the US Historical Financials dataset.