Home / The Walt Disney Company Financials / The Walt Disney Company Market Capitalization History

The Walt Disney Company (DIS) Market Capitalization History

Quarter End Market Capitalization
$ 000,000's
2023-Dec-30 165,411
2023-Sep-30 148,403
2023-Jul-01 163,293
2023-Apr-01 183,038
2022-Dec-31 158,556
2022-Oct-01 172,058
2022-Jul-02 175,263
2022-Apr-02 249,614
2022-Jan-01 281,745
2021-Oct-02 319,986
2021-Jul-03 321,986
2021-Apr-03 342,504
2021-Jan-02 321,956
2020-Oct-03 221,693
2020-Jun-27 197,362
Full historical financial data for The Walt Disney Company for 1985 - 2023 is included in the US Historical Financials dataset.